
Yours Truly
Where does one start when writing an 'About' page?

So I'm father to a beautiful little girl (Lilly, 8 months old yesterday!), husband to a wonderful woman and we make our home in the small rural town of Junee, 40km north of Wagga and about halfway between Sydney and Melbourne on the Olympic Highway.

Until Lilly was born, my interest in photography had lagged considerably; a hectic schedule of uni and work whilst trying to fit in something close to a social life meant that when I did have the rare opportunity to dedicate some time to photography I simply didn't have the motivation, and when I did have the motivation I didn't have the time to dedicate...

A pretty depressing situation on the whole!

Lilly at 8 months.
But with the arrival of our beautiful little girl came the strongest motivation of all (and after the first few months I even had the energy to match!). And since then I have been once again engrossing myself in photography and art and, on the whole, have been enjoying it more than ever.

I'm self taught through experience, reading and watching.

I've been lucky enough to have met some very accomodating and open photographers along my way who have taught me a great deal about photography, business and life in general. To those who have helped me I am truly grateful.

I don't believe that we should be selfish with knowledge; after all sharing of information and knowledge is what has built our civilisation as we know it today. Understandably there are things that individuals and companies wish to keep confidential to protect their interests, but I'm happy to pass on what I have learnt to others and to repay karma for those who did the same for me.

To this end, I hope many of my blogs will be helpful to those starting out or looking to take the next step or even for the more experienced photographer who might pick up just that one useful tidbit of info - I still learn a lot this way.

So please enjoy, don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or suggestions and make sure to take a browse through my gallery sets.

And finally, don't forget to Like my Facebook page to keep up to date with, well, everything!


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